How to Clear Reddit Search History

Are you on Reddit and want to clear Reddit search history?

Reddit is a powerful platform for searching and browsing through the web. 

It allows users to search various topics, view posts, comment on them, or even post their own. 

The platform saves a user’s search history, which can be accessed and managed anytime. 

This feature is useful for tracking down previous topics of interest or rediscovering older posts. 

Additionally, users can easily delete their search history at any time. 

With Reddit Search History, users can quickly access their past searches and find what they want. 

Reddit is great for exploring the web. You get the latest trends and news.

The search history feature also helps users to quickly access their past searches, allowing them to look back at topics they previously discussed or even find new topics they are interested in. 

With Reddit Search History, users can easily keep track of their web searches and ensure they are up-to-date on the latest news. 

How to Clear Reddit Search History
How to Clear Reddit Search History

How to Clean Reddit Search History?

Deleting Reddit history is easy. All the searches, posts, comments, and other activities can be erased easily. 

They help you keep your browsing activities private. There are different methods to delete Reddit history. 

I will show you how to clear Reddit search history using the website, mobile app, and browser extensions. 

1. How to Clear Reddit Search History App – Android

Nowadays, Android phones are widely used. After a while, you will need to delete your Reddit history on the app. 

This helps to clear up space and keep your phone safe. To delete the Reddit history app on Android:

1. Launch the Reddit app on your Android phone

2. Locate your profile icon and select it

3. Select the ‘History option

4. On your top right corner, click on the three dots

5. Hit the clear history buttons

6. Confirm to delete Reddit history

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2. How to Delete Reddit History on the Website

Computer users can delete their Reddit history on the website. This will help them keep their Reddit profile clean and organized. To delete history:

1. You should click on your avatar icon in the top-right corner of the browser and choose the profile

2. This will take you to the “Overview page.”

3. From here, you can view posts and comments.

4. Move to the comment you want to delete.

5. On the Share option, click on the three dots

6. Now select the Delete option

7. You will get a pop-up prompt. Select “Delete”

8. Your comment will be deleted permanently, and you cannot recover the data. 

9. To delete posts, follow the same instructions. 

10. To delete multiple comments or posts at once, you can select them and then click on the “Delete Selected” option. 

11. This will delete them permanently. 

3. How to Clear Reddit Search History Using Browser Extensions

If you are using a browser, consider installing an extension like ‘Reddit Data Deletion Tool.’ 

It will help you delete your Reddit history quickly. Download the extension from a reliable website and follow the instructions. 

When you open the extension, it will show you all your activities with a tick box to delete them. 

Select each activity you want to erase and hit the ‘delete’ button. Voila! Your Reddit history is gone. 

4. How to Clear Reddit Search History on iPhone

1. launch the Reddit app

2. Select your profile icon, and go to ‘Settings.’

3. Go to the Advanced section and choose Clear Local History

4. You will get the prompt to confirm, choose Yes

5. You have successfully cleared your Reddit history from your iPhone.

5. How to Clear Search History on Reddit?

Now that you know how to clear Reddit history from your devices, let’s look at how to clear your search history. 

The search history helps you find the posts quickly for a specific topic. 

Like any other browser, when you click on the Reddit search bar, you will get all the history searches you have made. 

At times you may need to delete this history and leave your Reddit clean:

1. Visit the Reddit website on your computer or launch your Reddit app.

2. Now click on your search box

3. A list of your search history will appear 

4. On each search, there will be an (X) mark

5. Click on this mark, and the search will be deleted 

You can follow the instructions for the Reddit app on your devices. This will help you keep your search history clean and organized. 

6. How to Hide Posts and Comments on Reddit?

Sometimes, you might not need to delete the comment or post but hide it from your profile. This can be performed simply by editing your comment thread.

1. Click on the 3 dots that appear beside the post or comment 

2. Select edit, and you will get two options: Hide or Delete 

3. Choose the option “Hide” to remove the post from your profile page

4. If you ever want to view it, click on the “Hidden” tab, and you will be able to view all the hidden comments or posts. 

5. If you want to delete your post, choose the “Delete” option from the edit window. This will permanently delete the post or comment from your profile. 

These simple steps allow you to hide and delete posts or comments easily, leaving your Reddit file clean and organized. 

These methods clear Reddit search history and hide posts or comments from your profile. 

Keep in mind that all your search history will be lost and can’t be recovered.

So be sure what you want to delete or hide before taking action. With this knowledge, you can manage your Reddit history and keep it organized. 

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How to Delete Reddit Account

Nowadays, it’s easy to delete your Reddit account. To start, log on to the website and go to “User Settings.” 

Select “Delete Account” from the options, then click “Delete.” Reddit will ask for your password to confirm the deletion. 

Enter password. Click “Delete Account” to complete the process. 

Check the box under your password to confirm that you know what you are doing. It takes 30 days for your account to be deleted permanently.


Overall, Reddit’s Search History feature is a great tool for users to stay on top of their search activities and explore new topics they may be interested in. 

Users can easily access and delete their past searches, quickly access the information they need, and keep their search activity secure.

 With Reddit Search History, users have a simple way to stay informed and explore the web. 

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